Monday, June 20, 2016

Not All Habits Are Bad

I'm no professional author or writer, but I like expressing my thoughts and since my college days, I've become the type of person who loves going through my journals and diaries that have been hidden (or properly kept for some reason - many a time it would involve a boy, I think) and re-live the memories, both good and bad.

The action of re-reading those entries makes me feel 3 things:

It's encouraging to know that the person who was once so fragile, emotionally unstable, and perhaps was (and still is) a little lost in the world, has come so far, got out of her little protection bubble and has developed so much as a person - many thanks to good friends and people who have become my mentors along the way.
I REALLY couldn't have become the person I am today (some say I'm like a mentor - insane!) on my own.

Being in my 30s, my perspectives on life have changed drastically (also because of personal development courses, of course) and I am suddenly overwhelmed with the sudden urge to be grateful for everything and every one that I have in this lifetime.

It all started when I was in the office a couple months back, and a Friend was so pissing mad because of a colleague that she has to work with on a project. She bawled her eyes out and seemed to have given up all hope to try to reconcile any differences between them in order to move forward.
It was in that instance that I found myself uttering, "I'm thankful I'm not in her position".
Of course I did my part to calm her down and helped her get all her anger out, but deep inside I felt selfish and yet grateful. Make sense?

From that day onward, I became more and more conscious about the situations I get put in, for example, being appointed the role of an Organizing Chairman for only one of the biggest events in the radio industry - when I know nothing about events.
My initial reaction was, "Why me?".
And then in a split second, I actually said, "Great! I'll add this to my portfolio".
So bizarre and yet so true.

I still:

  • Procrastinate
  • Have COUNTLESS "What if...?" moments 
  • Eat like there's no tomorrow (and complain about the circumference of my waistline afterwards)
  • Practise some bad habits especially in my relationship with my partner
  • Fight with my Brother even though he's in his 20s!

With all that said, I now have a better understanding as to WHY I allow myself to be put in those situations.
And sometimes, I let myself be.
Seriously, any person who tells me that it's possible to be happy and motivated all the time, I want to know what you're taking on a daily basis.
It is perfectly fine to hit rock bottom sometimes. We just need to determine how long we will allow ourselves to be scraping the grime off the floor before snapping out of it, cos LIFE GOES ON and of course, TIME WAITS FOR NO MAN (Or WOMAN).

The main reason for that ridiculously lengthy intro is to tell you that I'm going to start blogging again!
The last time I carefully composed my thoughts in front of a desktop was back in 2009, can you believe it? It was such a calming activity and yet I allowed LIFE and WORK to take over.
I've been sharing a lot about the things I read (especially life lessons) and the encounters in my life on Facebook the past year, but I was spurred to start again by a friend's comment about how descriptive my posts were.
I took that as a compliment and here I am again. On Blogger. Cos it's EASY :D

Great week to all!

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